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VBF Law is a law firm focusing exclusively on commercial real estate transactions. The firm represents buyers, sellers and owners in the acquisition, disposition, financing, and development of various asset classes, including multi-family properties.


You can contact us at: (713) 526-9800

Our new office is located at: 1717 West Loop South, Suite 1450, Houston, TX 77027


Our team includes:

David Andrew "Andy" Van Buskirk, Partner

Travis Foster, Partner

Ashlee Amy, Associate

Teresa Bolton, Associate

Brittany Crawford Smith, Associate

Ashley D. Las Marias-Bourda, Billing Coordinator

Maria Kojis, Office Manager

VBF Law was formed in 2012 as a professional corporation in Texas as Van Buskirk Law Office, P.C.

The information on this website is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice, nor is it intended to be legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship. You should not and are not authorized to rely on this website as legal advice. Receipt or viewing of this website does not constitute establishing an attorney-client relationship. 

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